Thursday, July 17, 2008


Beckie has been gone at camp this week and I've made the most of the extra time by going to my Bible study on Monday, meeting a friend for coffee and doing an apheresis blood donation and volunteering with the cats at the Humane Society Tuesday, meeting a friend to walk at a park on Wednesday, and going in to work and answering e-mails and setting up appointments today. Tomorrow I will do a speech evaluation and maybe tomorrow night I will go to an outdoor theater to watch a Shakespeare production. I've also done some cleaning and reading. I talked to my Dad on the phone this morning. He is 80 years old and is still wishing he had more time to do all the things he wants to. He is very busy and in good health, but still feels like I do that there is not enough time to fit it all in. Maybe it is normal to feel this way, and maybe even after I retire I will feel like I can't do all the things I want to.

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