Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm Back!

Hello, I'm back! I had some technical difficulties with accessing my blog, but it seems to be working for me again now. Tomorrow I go to a conference in Dayton, where I will be speaking on helping the distractible child, adapting curriculum for learning differences, and when socialization IS an issue. I enjoy helping people figure out ways to make their lives easier by helping their kids in more effective ways. Gosh, I wish I'd had me when my kids were younger! But the traveling can be pretty tiring. I wish we could fly to some of the conferences we go to, but we have to haul our trailer full of Heads Up products and there's way too much to ship. We are going to be in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Florida, and New Jersey over the next six weekends. Then we'll have a couple of weeks off before another Ohio conference. I don't know how much longer we will be traveling to conferences. The costs of traveling and renting booth space add up fast and it's a whole lot of work just to break even. I think we'll focus more on advertising next year, especially with the price of gas continually going up.

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