Friday, July 20, 2007

Draining the life out of me

I have spent over 40 hours each week for several weeks now, just deep cleaning my house. I'm still not anywhere near completion, and there's not a single room that's completely done. I've worked in the office, kitchen, and dining room. I see improvement, but I also see that no one else in my family is lifting a finger to help or to maintain what I've accomplished. I am allergic to dust, and I hate to spend hours and hours picking up after other people. Since I put my things away where I can find them again, it is not my stuff that I'm having to clean up and put away. The more I clean, the worse my mood becomes and the more depressed I am. I am between a garbage pile and a trash dumpster. It drains the life out of me to spend so much time cleaning, but it also sucks the life out of me to live in clutter and be surrounded by piles of stuff. I seem to loose either way. But I can't continue living like this, because it is affecting my health. I am trying hard to make my home a place I can stay and be comfortable in, but it's taking a toll to have to spend my limited energy on cleaning and see my family be so indifferent even though I've explained repeatedly to each of them how important this is for me. I guess they just don't care about how the house looks, being able to find things, etc. But the hardest part is realizing that they care so little about what I need.

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