Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to school with Beckie

I started another school year this week, with Beckie being in 10th grade. We've done school all summer together, so the transition isn't as dramatic as it would have been if we'd not been working the lighter schedule. The other transition is being back to work at my part-time job. Since Beckie is back to working on her own while I'm at work, and working with me on my days off and in the evenings and weekends, I've noticed something new with her. She's made comments about how school is more fun when she's with me, and every day (sometimes a couple times a day) she thanks me for doing school with her. She lets me know when she thinks an activity is especially interesting or fun. I don't know if it's just maturity, or if she's heard enough from her friends who go to school to know that she appreciates being home schooled, but it's nice to actually hear her thank me for working with her.

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